Saturday, March 29, 2025

A (Short) 1083-Word “Paragraph” on the Chaos of It All Right Now

There is a lot going on in the world right now. As I see it, false binaries are being broken all over the place, as asymmetric alignments between and among the players and the field are forcing Americans to choose sides that are no longer there. It is really pushing our cognitive dissonance and forcing us into camps that simply don’t work anymore, and they are proven not to work not months after some new story hook hits, but mere days after, because things are happening so fast–and so strangely linearly–right now.

The notion that Biden should even be talked about as making a return to the stage might show us that. But that is exactly what is being floated about. Doesn’t matter if it happens, which it might; the instability of it all–the chaos–I think is the point.

There is clear indications of Intelligent Design here. Some of you may have noticed it. It’s like we’re in a prism sometimes being forced to observe a cacophony of contrasts, with new lessons and new realizations popping up every day.

For instance(s), I’ve floated some of this out there in some recent work on Israel and Venezuela–work that was purposely intended to make conservatives take pause. What should be a slam-dunk, well, slamming of Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela should make us think a minute, when we specifically are fed the opinion of the corrupt DC regime and the Mockingbird media who are flocking to the defense of the opposition. Again, the point is not just that they are saying it–but that someone or something wants us to see them saying it. And as an extension compare it to what someone like Trump says about Venezuela and contrast it with how that same government-media apparatus handles our very own elections and their aftermaths.

Contrasts contrasts contrasts. It’s how a master teacher teaches, and it is hard not to see something of eternal value being taught to us here.

Another example is the scuttlebutt, being put out there by Trump as well, of a certain batter who was changed out in favor of Harris might find himself coming back around into the Presidential race.

Russia-Ukraine, Israel, Netanyahu, Iranian billboards supporting Christians and honoring the Last Supper, Turkey, and so many other stories are clashing for the world to see–and those clashes are teaching us that all of it is far too complex to stay true to our diehard tribal loyalties. It is something I have explored at length and with many an example in my work, especially since October 7, 2023 and I invite you to visit it some time. I think there is something very significant to see here in relation to what God is breaking in us and what he is building up. And those things go beyond politics as usual.

But as one final point, take note that Donald Trump is at the center of it all, in one way, shape, or form–at least in the research circles I see (not the mainstream)–all the while the attempt on his life continues to fizzle in the Mockingbird media’s consciousness. Is there any wonder why the Epstein client list can’t come out right now? We’d look at it for a minute and then move on to the next story. I saw that there were people on Facebook fed up with the Olympics Friday opening ceremonies by Sunday–by Sunday! I remember writing about the LSU women’s basketball team several months back and there were comments underneath the post that we needed to move on already!

And it was literally just a few hours into the development of the story itself.

People like this should be happy they weren’t around when Jesus died on Good Friday. They would have missed out on one heckuva comeback two days later.

Our attention spans suck. In short, that is why this war behind the scenes is taking so long.

Anyway, back to constructive teaching. There are some frameworks that may help in all of this–concepts like Overton Window, Limited Hangout, Hegelian Dialectic, Teleology, and the Tipping Point of public opinion (too many to link) are crucial to understanding the information, shadow, holy war we are embroiled in and why things can just gush out all at once.

It is the story that matters most right now. Pay attention to the arcs intersecting in the story. Pay attention to what stories and recent history Tim Walz necessarily brings back into the American conversation. It’s the cycles of Limited Hangout. Minnesota. Riots. Money. George Floyd. Derek Chauvin.

I don’t think Walz is the point as much as what Walz forces Americans to see, to revisit, to relearn. Memory holes are being challenged everywhere you look.

The movie Departed always comes to mind when I think of all of this. Evil cannibalizing itself over and over again. The rest is just details.

This scene from Braveheart also comes to mind. There are so many factors at play, including Trump’s penchant for the double entendre and for strangely predicting looming events, which so oftentimes speak to the politics involved in what the father of Robert the Bruce says here in the movie:

Robert the Bruce:
A rebellion has begun.

The Leper:
Under whom?

Robert the Bruce:
A commoner… named William Wallace.

The Leper:
We will embrace this rebellion. You will support it from our lands in the north while I gain English favor by condemning it, and ordering it opposed from our lands in the south. Sit down. Stay a while.

I believe some power players on our side are sometimes saying one thing and allowing other key players on the board to say what needs to be said elsewhere–because the point is awakening of a world population largely asleep for decades. This takes the media heat off of a Trump-like figure, as we all know would come; plus it avoids the “information fatigue” we might feel if it were the same person saying and doing the incendiary things necessary to fight this war.

I wouldn’t even be surprised if the choice was Mi(chelle) or Hillary again in the end or if it’s Ol’ Joe who puts the final nail in the DNC’s coffin. Wouldn’t that be a story.

That article was meant to be a paragraph serving as a cursory introduction to my new video out. THAT is how complex this entire story is right now–it became a full article unto itself.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.