Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Invaluable Venezuela

No, I’m not a mAduRo aPoLoGiSt. But there is a lot–a lot–to glean here, just as I said back in February that we can learn a lot about our own officials from a detested leader like Vladimir Putin.

And it all connects to what just happened with Biden and Harris. 

And it may very well connect to the next change of batter, if they decide they don’t want her either. 

It is the “they” that is central to understanding how pivotal this election story developing in Venezuela is. 

Incidentally, it also connects to all the work I’ve been doing on the Trump/JFK assassination narrative connection–which goes back three weeks before the assassination attempt on July 13. Hayride and RVIVR have been on top of it. I will be brief about this because there is no way I can leave it out given all the work I’ve invested, but I can’t say I wasn’t both shocked and elated that Nicolás Maduro–yes that  Nicolás Maduro–minced no words in warning that the same forces behind the coup against him were behind the Trump assassination attempt and the murder of John F Kennedy.

These are the same things RFK, Jr has been saying.

Talk about a plot twist.

I’m telling you, this stuff all seems coordinated at times, entirely too linear not to be a novel or movie instead of life itself. Almost like God is in charge of more than just guiding bullets, no?

The word “apocalypse” means “unveiling,” and it is becoming increasingly more difficult not to believe that is exactly the blessing we are experiencing every week and day now.

Info War, Mind War

I mean no disrespect to the people of Venezuela who have suffered over the years. Certainly as a writer who focuses on the shadow war raging just behind the frenzied back-and-forth of information we’ve been experiencing, I could come off that way with an article like this.

It is not my intention, but let’s face it, we are indeed embroiled in a worldwide battle for information, for our minds, for reality itself. One could even say, after learning about things like the 2012 Olympics and other ritual events when the Paris ceremonies themselves punched the door wide open, that we are in the middle of prophesied, apocalyptic times, a time of the unveiling of the spiritual force colliding all around us.

And what is happening in Venezuela should give us hope that we are winning, all glory to God of course. It seems to be yet another example of the enemy being trapped, said enemy being the globalist forces that have infiltrated nearly every institution of the Western world. If you didn’t make the connection, Paris is America in that regard.

When I first obtained a series of facts about the recent Venezuelan election, two immediate thoughts came to mind:

  1. The fact that the American establishment media is making such a big deal about this, and is insistent on me knowing about their particular view, was perhaps more important than the potential election steal itself.
  2. The fact that the American government and establishment media was so brazen about claiming election fraud indicated to me that there would be an enormous swath of Americans that would now know that if election shenanigans are happening in other countries, then maybe the “conspiracy theorists” have been right all along about 2020.

And 2014 Ukraine and so many others. Check out Operation Northwoods as just one example of the lengths the Deep State will go to to keep control all over the world in the name of “democracy” and “peace.”

But then I discovered that the Venezuelan election had been stolen from the supposed Communist, stolen from the people’s choice, and that’s when I knew something bigger was going on here.

I didn’t know the details yet, but it smelled of the Deep State finding themselves in a trap. I was asking myself a series of questions:

-Are the poll numbers accurate?

-Are those videos really from this week?

-Is this a color revolution, a Deep State favorite?

-What about any late ballots? No lost ballots? Verifications?

-Why were the timings and delays of our election so different from theirs?

-They are interested in protecting Venezuelan election interests but not ours?

When we see outlets like the New York Times (and all the others!) referring to an election where Maduro won as a “deeply unfair election riddled with irregularities” the first thing we need to do is stay open in question-mode. Remember, it is these exact news outlets that have shamed and silenced anyone who dares challenge the results of an obviously stolen election in 2020–similarly from a wildly popular candidate.

Not to mention every lie they’ve told us about Covid, the jab, and everything Trump.

Then you had the current DC regime joining the fray, including Antony Blinken and Kamala Harris.

I write a lot about the danger of arbitrary binary thinking, and I had to laugh at the following meme, because it encapsulates exactly what trap we will find ourselves in if we don’t think in a more nuanced way, a more bicameral (or even multicameral) way. 

I didn’t know much about Maduro in the way of details, only what the establishment has told me about him, but I did know much about the American government and establishment media. I know I often say we must sometimes focus on the message and not the messenger, but there are also times to do the opposite.

Indeed, it takes discernment and maybe a lot of prayer asking for wisdom to recognize the difference.

In this case, for me, trust the current US government? Trust the establishment media? Well, no. I’m not about to go back to the establishment plantation just because the story is somewhat similar to 2020, an election we still can’t get that same plantation to admit was taken from the people’s choice in Trump.  

They just couped the guy they used as a coup against Trump. That’s still a little fresh in my mind.

So I placed myself firmly inside the waiting game for more details. And sure enough, they came.

This is where Venezuela can work as an awakening on more levels than one–a true lightning rod moment in this crucial point in American history.

Reverse engineering the story so to speak made it clear: for the US government to declare something like this after (and still in the midst of) what we have just gone through for four years with their arch-nemesis Trump made it at least plausible that the Deep State is behind Venezuela as well, and for whatever reason, as strange as it may appear, is more concerned about Maduro in power than Gonzalez.

In other words, it is indeed a similar story to 2020, but the Deep State appears to have “switched sides” in this case.

It should suggest the 2020 steal all the more. (As an aside, it is this exact penchant for Deep State coups that will always make me leery of any popular choice–even though at the moment obviously I support Trump. Trump is a means to an end, not the end itself, and we have to have a big picture vision of even him as well).

The story continued to unfold when Maduro brought up not just Trump and JFK, but the actual 2020 election.

Maduro agrees with many of us, is asking the same questions as many of us.

And then, perhaps the mother of all evidence emerged:

This involves BRICS.

The new, emerging alliance of sovereign nations rising up against globalist domination. 

Venezuela is planning to join BRICS, with Maduro at the head of the decision. It is possible, if not likely, that the West–the globalist empire–is trying to effect a color revolution to put a Western aligned government in place that will reject BRICS. This is why China and Russia were so quick to congratulate Maduro, and likely why the US was so quick to put out into its media megaphone that they were recognizing Gonzalez as the victor.

This all goes beyond election fraud, which, admittedly, was a warning to Americans and a victory in the information war in itself.

See, no matter what level of awakening an American is, they gained something from this story. That is what I mean when I say the enemy is trapped.

To take down such a centuries-old, complex web of insidiousness takes an equally multiple-approach. It’s like a defensive whiz like Nick Saban going “multiple” in his counterattack on the emerging, impossible-to-defend Wildcat offense back in the late 2000s. Forgive the very incompatible metaphor, but some of us understand sports metaphors well. As I’ve said many a time, it is why we have seen what appears to be some strange bedfellows involved, and why I wrote about Putin so much when he was spotlighting these Western evils back in February, much to some of my readers’ confusion. 

We are dealing with two Americas here, at least. Just as we are with Israel and most any other nation and institution central to the world stage. We got a glimpse of the sovereign, BRICS-aligned America from 2017 to 2021. 

And we are dealing with BRICS’s greatest enemy right now in Mumbles and Cackles–or at least the comical frontmen of the true enemy. Let’s not forget the Obamas, Clintons, and Bushes of the political world. And if you keep going up the mafia chain, that’s where you see names like Rothchild, Rockefeller, Blackrock, Crowdstrike, Vanguard, etc., until you get to the ultimate head of the snake which is what Jesus himself spoke of.

Make no mistake about this: this is in fact a holy war, even though I realize that sounds a bit dramatic.

(And now we see Japan today as we wake up, something I’m adding here as I run an edit on my first draft).

If Maduro were in Gonzalez’s position and was robbed of the election with Gonzalez joining the BRICS alliance, the media would have said the election was stolen from Maduro.

The Victory in Questions

This has nothing to do with virtue. This has nothing to with suddenly being on the right side of civics or history. This has nothing to do with even Gonzalez, Maduro, or the Venezuelan people.

This has to do with money. This has to do with power. This has to do with the Deep State vipers fighting fang and nail to the very end to trick any unsuspecting citizen they can in a wild hope that they can also “impact” this coming November election here.

In that regard, almost everyone got it right from the start–hearing about election fraud in Venezuela, even if Americans didn’t know Gonzalez or Maduro from Adam and Steve, ignited talk of Trump 2020 and 2024. And that, admittedly, is a great thing.

But the extra beautiful thing is that this lynchpin moment is working on multiple layers of the collective American consciousness, and we just witnessed the Deep State put three bullets inside themselves for the price of one:

  1. The following was fed to us by the very enemy most of us have learned to recognize:  An “official,” widespread, and bipartisan (including the very people who stole 2020) endorsement of even the notion that some very major elections are  rigged, along with exposure of whatever corporate and governmental entities are involved with said rigging.
  2. Like Trump and July 13 now being connected implicitly to November 22 and JFK, the the American collective connects the current coup to all previous coups the “conspiracy theorists” have been talking about. Venezuela gives social permission to people now to believe the 2020 theft is plausible. Overton Window shifted.
  3. The fact that this forced regime change has been stunted for at least the time being before it could take place without Americans even finding out–not to mention that this story is even a story in the first place and not a silent coup we learn of a decade later like 2014 Ukraine–indicates once again the legitimacy of BRICS’s emergence on the world stage and the panic the globalists are feeling because of it.

They have lost control of the narrative. They are losing control of their slaves–

–because the world is becoming more multipolar, just like the states should be here in America in relation to the federal government. Decentralization and centralization–in both philosophy and practice, it’s the same battle.

It also makes it impossible not to see that if the US is capable of such coups on an international stage, imagine what they did to first implement Ol’ Joe and then unceremoniously remove him. I haven’t seen this theory much in conservative circles, but I do want to prime the reader a bit for the possibility here. It certainly doesn’t hurt: Was there a reason Obama hesitated to endorse Kamala? Will the same regime do the installation/removal cycle with her just as they did Ol’ Joe, if they sense the American public isn’t swallowing the media Kool-Aid about her?

One other trap not akin to this article is the notion of birth and heritage with Kamala. Could this narrative come up again in relation to Obama? Could it become a current hook connecting to some “lost” history and truth?

What about Obama’s chef?

What about both Obamas’ support for transgenderism? Why so staunch?

What a time to be alive.

Once again, in closing, I mean no disrespect to any Venezuelan who has died or suffered at any point under Maduro’s rule, or to what has happened to the country of Venezuela over the last few decades. Admittedly I don’t know much about Maduro, only what the establishment has told me over the years. But from a universal, war-for-the-world’s-freedom standpoint, including Venezuela’s freedom, it is proving to be most invaluable indeed, and any suffering they have gone through seems to be turning into a resurrection of sorts for both it and the world to experience. 


-I have not studied this in depth, but you may consider looking up Operation Gideon, a 2020 coup to oust Maduro, an operation that some think the US was involved in even back then.

-Secondly, here is a video from General Michael Flynn, whom I have discussed in the past quite a bit in relation to his revelations on endless foreign wars and child trafficking, not to mention possibilities involving 10-7. His words here seem to deviate from my above thesis, which is precisely why I include it. Funny thing is that either way, I think some level of the truth war wins here. Once again it points to the Deep State trapping themselves. 

(I invite you to both watch that Flynn video and read through the thread below a bit; it indicates why this information war, a concept Flynn himself writes about in a Fifth Generation Warfare book, is so complex and why so often it is the information we must digest and not the informant themselves). Tricky!

-Thirdly, I couldn’t find this researcher’s work, but after reading the following post, I suspect there is some fruitful ground to till if you’d like to rabbit hole. 

-Lastly, just before press time, you have this from X, which I have defended quite a bit and still defend. It has opened the flow of discussion about things like the laptop from hell, which we didn’t have in October 2020, but still, this is worth posting. It is the same spirit of the Flynn info above–let’s not hide information anymore if we can help it. The last thing we need is to abscond from one cognitive plantation and relocate to another.

Remember, multicameral thinking. Happy digging, my friends. And pray.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.