Wednesday, March 26, 2025

With Trump Looming and Missiles Fired, Let’s Revisit Hillary, Putin, and Ukraine

Under the current administration, through its proxy Ukraine, the West just sent six long range missiles into Russia. Everyone probably knows that.

What some may not know is that there are reports of Russia mass-producing KUB-M mobile bomb shelters, designed to protect against nuclear shockwaves, radiation, and conventional threats for up to 48 hours.

The words “missile” and “crisis” may remind us of JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis, and while tensions are not there yet, it continues to tantalize, how akin the Trump story is to the JFK story. And I say the Trump story because, one way or another, this is about him. This is not about Joe Biden. This perspective can run any number of courses, I am aware.

But my purpose today is to keep the most notorious name of the global crime syndicate–at least in my personal leanings–secured firmly in the news cycle even though she hides like a reptilian in a hole and only peeks out here and there to slither and spew her canned venom at opponents. Some may say she’s irrelevant–I’ve seen as much. But oh boy is she not. She is one of those ultimate, easily recognizable characters that every good story needs. She is a cypher of information that reflects evils much deeper than politics, evils you and I pray against every day.

One such instance occurred in February, right before the much advertised interview between Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin. I invite you to read that article and maybe all the articles I put out that week as I planted seeds for what heightened tensions were sure to come on the world stage. With Trump in office now and said tensions seeming to intensify, we return for a little recent history. Here is a snippet from February 8:

And last night on MSNBC one Hillary Clinton grabbed the spotlight to belittle Tucker in anticipation of the release.

โ€œHeโ€™s whatโ€™s called a useful idiotโ€ฆ Heโ€™s like a puppy dogโ€ฆ After having been fired from so many outlets in the United States, I would not be surprised if he emerges with a contract with a Russian outlet because he is a useful idiot. He says things that are not true. He parrots Vladimir Putinโ€™s pack of lies about Ukraineโ€ฆ

Itโ€™s a sign that there are people in this country right now who are like a fifth column for Vladimir Putinโ€ฆ Why are certain Republicans throwing their lot in? Why are other Americans basically believing Putin? Why did Trump believe Putin more than our eleven intelligence agencies?โ€

I also provided a shot-in-the-dark wishlist for topics to discuss, although I knew it was more like a pop-gun. It simply wasn’t time for such widespread, Overton Window shifting, accepted revelations:

-True origins of the Ukraine war, how US government, globalist infiltrators roused the conflict in 2014, and the money laundering scheme making oligarchs there and here rich off the American taxpayer

-Moral degeneration of American society and the West in general, including the destruction of the nuclear family, the gender question insanity, the attempted normalization of pedophilia, and outright Satanism at the highest levels of government and the entertainment industry

-US bioweapon development in Ukraine and across the world

-Further testimony to the 2020 US Election theft

-Child sex trafficking and child organ harvesting, which in turn points back to Satanism, to the occult, to secret societies

This all is a perfect example of how so many people can know the truth about something and yet still hesitate in conversations with friends and family, or even online. That is the intrigue of understanding the Overton Window. Societies and political discourse have collective minds of their own.

Another example is how easy it is to condemn the Covid hoax and the not-really-a-vaccine vaccines now. Think about that juncture when the Window hadn’t quite shifted as much, everyone knew the truth, and yet still hesitated.

Compare and reconcile with Ukraine.

For many months, and through many different storylines, we have heard that we are on the cusp of World War III, yet frankly it hasn’t happened, at least not in the way many voices out there presented it. In my brain, however, I wonder how we are already not embroiled in World War III and have been for some time. Sure, it doesn’t always look like the typical pictures you see in history books, and there isn’t that watershed moment (false flag event) that sends America over the edge and into a huge newspaper headline reading “AMERICA AT WARRRRRRRR,” but certainly one could make the argument that under the loving embrace of a Father above who wants his children unified in the faith, none of this looks like peace, or not-war, to me.

I have enjoyed covering Ukraine, for what is over two years now. You have to have fun if you’re going to follow and write on all of this every day. I followed a hunch and am glad I did it. Moreover, that narrative is colliding with so many others I’ve been interested in–see some bulleted above–which also include Hillary Clinton, and by extension the Obamas, Bushes, Cheneys, and Etceteras of the gameboard. Here’s Lieutenant Scott Bennett speaking on it. Admittedly, I don’t know much about Bennett, but I provide this first paragraph from Wikipedia for some quick context. Who Bennett is ultimately doesn’t matter if we are right about who the Deep State is.

…formerly of the U.S. Army 11th Psychological Operations Battalion, attempted to blow the whistle by contacting the commercially-controlled media and writing to US politicians after being sacked from his job as terrorist finance investigator after he proved too zealous at the job. “He has developed and managed psychological warfare theories, products, and operations for U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Central Command, the State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism, and other government agencies.” He was a Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation.

This is a video posted in February:

Biolabs were established in the United States under Barack Obama and Senator Richard Lugar in 2007 and have grown exponentially sinceโ€ฆ. They were developing pathogens and diseases, which Iโ€™ve seen in the Pentagon Documents. I’ve seen the slides. Iโ€™ve seen the implications of the USAID, CIA, the Clinton Foundation, the Soros Organization, the Open Society Foundationโ€ฆ Bill Gates’ Project 201. The Russians have all of their documentation, fingerprints, funding and their participation with Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnsonโ€ฆ who were in Ukraine using the research to send to Fort Dietrick which found its way to Wuhanโ€ฆ but all of this originated in Ukraine.

I invite you to read the comments below that X post, but here is one, a video connecting the Bidens to Ukraine biolabs:

Biden and Obama. Soros and Gates. And yes, Hillary Clinton and her hubby Bill.

The good thing about reading comments under a post is that you not only get a rabbit hole of supporting information, you also get contradictory opinions and possible evidences. This is a good thing. The whole point of me covering this has been to break the tribalism, the binary trap, that can get this country in hot water when we start blindly tossing our allegiances around based on a global model of friend and foe that seems to be long gone. This war is atypical and asymmetrical, and it is heavy on information and misinformation dissemination. Allies and Axis powers are likely not who McGraw-Hill told us they were anymore.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.